My first interactive map with {leaflet}
I have tried creating a map with ggplot2 previously. In this post, I will try to create an interactive map using leaflet
package in R.
These are the required packages.
So, I’m going to use a clinics location data in Malaysia. I already uploaded this data tomy GitHub repo. I will skip the explanation for the pre-processing part, but it is the same pre-processing as my previous post.
# Read the data
clinic1m <- read.csv("")
clinicDesa <- read.csv("")
Show code for pre-processing
# Get the missing coordinate based on postal codes
clinic1m2 <-
clinic1m %>%
mutate(country = "malaysia") %>%
select(name, postcode, country) %>%
mutate(postcode = ifelse(nchar(postcode) == 4, paste0(0, postcode), postcode)) %>%
geocode(postalcode = postcode, country = country, method = "osm")
# Add coordinate from external sources for the still missing coordinates
add_coord <-
read.table(header = T, text = "
postal_code latitude longitude
16070 6.0334 102.3499
26060 3.6228 102.3926
90700 5.8456 118.0571
26060 3.6228 102.3926")
# Drop clinics with the still missing coordinate
clinic1m2 <-
clinic1m2 %>%
mutate(lat = ifelse(postcode %in% add_coord$postal_code, add_coord$latitude, lat),
long = ifelse(postcode %in% add_coord$postal_code, add_coord$longitude, long)) %>%
drop_na() #drop 2 clinic1m
# Bind the 2 data
all_clinic <-
clinic1m2 %>%
mutate(Type = "1Malaysia") %>%
select(name, Type, lat, long) %>%
bind_rows(clinicDesa %>%
mutate(Type = "Desa",
lat = latitude,
long = longitude) %>%
select(name, Type, lat, long)) %>%
mutate(name = str_to_title(name))
First, we going to plot the coordinates to see if there is anything strange.
ggplot(all_clinic, aes(long, lat, color = Type)) +
geom_point() +
So, we are going to remove the two isolated points as seen from the plot.
all_clinic2 <- all_clinic %>% filter(long > 25)
Once we have our data ready, we can supply to leaflet
. We can choose the type of map from addProviderTiles()
. Some need an api, but the one we choose here does not. We supply the longitude and latitude of our data to addCircleMarkers()
, and clusterOptions
to cluster our data.
leaflet(all_clinic2) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$Stamen.Watercolor) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$Stamen.TerrainLabels) %>%
addCircleMarkers(~long, ~lat,
clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions())
Next, we can add a label.
labels <-
sprintf("<strong>%s</strong>", all_clinic$name) %>%
Also, we can add a mini map to our map. Here, I change the type of map to a more appropriate one.
leaflet(all_clinic2) %>%
addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap) %>%
addCircleMarkers(~long, ~lat, popup = ~labels, # popup add the label
clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions()) %>%
# add a mini map
addMiniMap(tiles = providers$OpenStreetMap, zoomLevelOffset = -3)
Notice that the coordinates look more accurate as compared to the map I created with ggplot2