
Some COVID-19 plots for Southeast Asian countries

Recently, I found a GitHub repo containing a global COVID-19 dataset. I thought, why not try to do some plotting for Southeast Asian countries. So, I downloaded the data and limited the data to Southeast Asian countries only (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam).

COVID-19 vaccine interest in Malaysia

We are going to do a basic google trends search using gtrendsR package and do some plotting with ggplot2. These are the required packages. library(gtrendsR) library(tidyverse) Run gtrends() function to search our keywords of interest (i.

How many Malaysian should be vaccinated to get herd immunity from COVID-19?

Recently I have read an article that the Malaysian government have made a deal with Pfizer for 6.4 million Malaysian to be vaccinated. So, I am wondering what is the minimal number of people should be vaccinated.